Join or renew now for 2018!
Members benefits:
- Attend all three AGES Meetings in 2018 for only $1,500.00, s saving of up to 50% per meeting. Only applicable for 3+ year members
- Complimentary subscription to SurgicalPerformance self-auditing software
- Eligibility to register for the AGES Interactive Hubs
- Eligibility to register for the AGES Cadaveric Workshops
- Complimentary subscription to the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynaecology (formerly AAGL Journal) and the Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders (JEPPD)
- Option to subscribe to the International Urogynaecology Journal instead of JMIG for an additional fee
- Savings of up to 15% on member registration fees for AGES meetings
- AGES newsletter, eScope, published four times annually
- Member access to AGES website with access to meeting presentations
- Listing on the Membership Directory of the AGES website
- Eligibility to apply for AGES Research Grants
- Eligibility to apply for a position in the AGES Training Program in Gynaecological Endoscopy